How to Qualify:
The ACT program serves newcomer clients who meet the following eligibility criteria
1. You belong to one of the following groups of immigrants:
- Permanent Residents of Canada.
- Protected Persons as defined in section 95 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA).
- Individuals who have been selected, inside or outside Canada, to become permanent residents and have received a confirmation letter from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
- Convention Refugees and protected persons outside of Canada who have been selected for settlement in Canada by IRCC.
- Live-in Caregivers who hold or have received approval of a work permit or received approval for permanent residence under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR).
—— AND ——
2. You are experiencing at least four (4) barriers to settlement and/or emergencies that require case management support. Examples of barriers/challenges may include, but not limited to:
- Housing-related issues / risk of homelessness.
- Lack of education, including limited English/French language skills.
- Financial challenges, including a lack of income.
- Physical and/or mental health issues.
- Difficulty adjusting to Canadian culture or environment.
- Lack of life skills or labour market skills.
For more information, please click on the “Am I Eligible?” button at the top of the page, which will take you to our eligibility self-assessment test to help you determine if the ACT program is a fit for you.
Alternatively, you can also contact us directly by visiting the Contact page to connect with a program staff.

Take the Self-Assessment Test
Learn whether you are eligible to
participate in the program through a
series of questions.