We aim to serve new immigrants and refugees experiencing difficulties and hardships and are willing to take the next steps and move forward. The ACT program provides a safe and supportive environment for families to seek assistance during their integrative journey to Canada. Most eligible clients receive ongoing services for 9-12 months before graduating from the program.
ACT Case Managers support individuals and families with a variety of services, including:
A Case Manager will meet with you to assess your situation and create a plan to address urgent needs, as well as determine your long-term goals. You will be able to obtain information about life in Canada, including topics such as housing, benefits, employment, and health care related needs. Your Case Manager will also assist to enable you to obtain resources needed on your settlement journey.
If your needs are complex, Your Case Manager will identify and connect with specialists and other professional service providers to work together with you and ensure your issues are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.
If you are unable to travel to our office due to mobility or health issues, your Case Manager will be able to visit you at your home or at a nearby public space so you can continue to work together on your settlement needs.
ACT provides a variety of workshops and support groups designed to address your settlement and learning needs. Delivered in your preferred language, the workshops address topics relating to life in Canada, such as housing, benefits, financial, employment, and health care related information and resources. You can also participate in informal English conversation classes tailored to your proficiency level and practice.
You can also participate in our networking activities and field trips to connect with others in the community, make new friends, and explore the city with the help of your Case Manager.
If you require assistance accessing a service or attending an appointment in the community, your Case Manager may be able to accompany you and provide language assistance or advocacy to ensure your needs and questions are addressed by the service provider or government agent you are meeting with. Your Case Manager can also assist with telephone/virtual appointments, as well as e-mail or written correspondence relating to your settlement needs.
If you are interested in receiving the above services from the ACT program, please visit the Eligibility page to find out if you are eligible for our services.
You can also contact us directly by visiting the Contact page.